我が国の整形外科はドイツ整形外科との深い交流があり、多数の整形外科医がドイツに留学し、学問だけでなくドイツ文化についても学んできました。現在も多くの留学経験者が親交を温めています。 日独整形外科学会は、九州大学天児民和名誉教授らにより設立され、1977年、第1回が天児会長により京都にて開催されました。それ以来、多くの先輩諸兄のご尽力により学会が継続され、発展してまいりました。近年は、久留米大学整形外科が事務局を担当され、永田見生先生、志波直人先生、そして山崎正志先生(筑波大学)が日本側の代表として御活躍されました。
Japanese and German orthopaedic surgeons have maintained a good relationship for many years. To date, a large number of Japanese orthopedic surgeons have studied in Germany, learning not only about orthopaedic, but also about German culture. Many of those who have studied in Germany continue to maintain the friendships they have formed. The German-Japanese Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology (GJSOT) was established by Professor Emeritus Tamikazu Amako at Kyushu University and others, and its first conference was held by Chairman Amako in Kyoto in 1977. Since then, this society has been developed through the dedicated efforts of many senior members. In recent years, the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at Kurume University has been acting as the Secretariat of the GJSOT; the Japanese representatives were Professors Kensei Nagata, Naoto Shiba, and Masashi Yamazaki (Tsukuba University).
The GJSOT launched a fellowship program for exchange of young doctors in 1997. It was temporarily suspended but was resumed in 2016, and the exchange has been thriving ever since. The activities of the society have expanded, including the publication of the Bulletin of the GJSOT.
Germany and Japan, both having achieved remarkable reconstruction and development after World War II, have many similarities and much to learn from each other. While industrial and cultural exchanges between the two countries have been more active than before, I feel that it is crucial to continue to promote exchanges in musculoskeletal medicine, incorporate each other’s advancements in this field, and collaborate in research in order to provide better medical care to patients.
From 2023, Professor Koji Hiraoka at Kurume University has been serving as the Secretary-General. From 2024, I, Toshifumi Ozaki at Okayama University, will represent the Japan branch. I had the opportunity to stay in Germany for more than five years. Based on my experience, I would like to do my best to contribute to the further development of this society. I appreciate your continued support and look forward to working with each one of you.
I am Koji Hiraoka, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Kurume University, and am currently in charge of the Secretariat of the German-Japanese Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (GJSOT). I have been functioning as the secretariat since 2023, replacing my predecessor, Professor Emeritus Naoto Shiba. The GJSOT has a long history dating back to 1977, and in recent years the number of participating institutions has expanded to institutions throughout Japan. In addition, we are preparing for the scientific meetings to be held alternately in Germany and Japan, in liaison with the German representatives. We will strive to further develop the Society in the future. We look forward to your continued support.